

Thursday, November 24, 2011

More technology....

There are many high tech systems used for augmentative communication but there are also many low tech devices that are used by some children. There are many advantages and disadvantages to using these high tech devices. The systems may not be as portable as a small iPod or iPad and would be heavy for children to carry around. This would not be an option for some. It would be difficult for some children to use these devices independently as many children would have poor fine motor control. Below are some devices that can be used for communication.


Intellikeys means physical, visual, and cognitive access for people with a wide range of disabilities. IntelliKeys is an alternative keyboard that plugs into any Macintosh or Windows computer. It’s an ideal solution for students who have difficulty using a standard keyboard.

There are 6 basic layouts that can be fitted into the device. The overlays feature large, well-spaced keys in high contrast colors to make it easy for students to locate letters and numbers. Each represents a different keyboard configuration to facilitate physical and cognitive access.

A special set-up overlay allows you to customize settings such as the response or repeat rate to  ease access for students who tend to press more than one key at a time or keep their finger on a key too long.

IntelliKeys becomes an even more powerful communication tool when you design your own curriculum activities and custom overlays using Overlay Maker, Intellitalk, Intellipics, and ClickIt! . 

Intellikeys is fairly easy to use, software is downloaded onto the computer and the computer can read what overlay you have selected. If there is a fine motor issue than the large keyboard will help those students and it acts like the regular keyboard. If the student only requires the arrow kieys there is an overlay for that and those keys are the only ones they can select. This device can be used to help students communicate but also access the computer to do assignments or play games.

Assistive Technology Online Project. (2000-2005). Intellikeys. Retrieved November 24, 2011 from

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